Project Description
Mindfulness Practice – Website
The Brief
NeLi is a psychologist and yoga teacher who approached me after she relocated to Noosa and needed a web presence to support her practice. She came with loads of information and ideas about events and blogs and a favourite colour.
Our Design Approach
As usual, when designing a logo in conjunction with a  website, we started with the logo, and found ourselves with a very calming colour palette of greens and aqua blues.This formed the colour basis of the website, while the structure was informed by her many services and planned event. Once the sitemap was in place, we looked for a stylish solution for her events, which were to be a central component. The design approach was always to ensure a flow of information, whilst keeping the layout and colurs calm and peaceful throughout the site. No jarring colours, and only a few very calm animations made sure the reader was introduced to NeLi in the most authentic manner possible.
The Results
It’s a very calm space with lovely colours and loads of information on NeLi’s business and the events she runs. Having so much information is always a hard thing with visual design, but in this case, I think the Event manager and the layout has worked really well to give an authentic feeling of the business.
Check it out at