Getting Started
You’d like to take the next step? That’s awesome!
We really love to work on projects where we can generate real results. To make sure we can do that, we need to make sure we are a good fit for each other first. For web design projects, please check below and fill out the project application. For other work, use our contact form.
You Have Goals!
We all have to start somewhere. But it’s much more important you know where you are going. Who are you? What is your why? Who are your clients? What are your products and services? If you are unclear, a website is not going to change much. I only work with people who are clear and serious about what they are doing, and know where they want to go.
The clearer you are about your goals, the more successful and more exciting this process will be for both of us.
You Have Passion!
To achieve anything worthwhile in the online space, you NEED to be passionate about what you are doing and why. I don’t work with get rich quick types who don’t believe in what they are doing. On the other hand, if you are pursuing excellence, and have a fire in your gut for your brand, then I will get behind you 100%.
It takes work hard to achieve it, but only those with a burning passion will reach their goals. Is that you?
You Have A Budget!
I don’t like to waste my time with tyre kickers and time wasters. You should have a clear budget in mind for your project, and I will let you know what I can and can’t do for that. I am too busy for people whose eyes pop out when I quote them and they say ‘I thought it would only be a few hundred dollars’.
In return for a budget that matches your expectations, I promise you’ll get a top-quality, top-value product from someone who really cares and who will stick around if you allow me to be the professional that I am. You still here?
You Have a Voice!
A website isn’t much good to anyone if it sits here lonely and unvisited in a dusty corner of the web. One thing is to get found, but another is to have an audience and have something to say!
I like to work with people who have something to say. They know how to build an audience. They get email marketing, the importance of SEO, blogging, videos, presentations, professional photography and brand awareness. If you don’t have an audience, you’ve got to be 100% committed to building one!
You Understand “Team”
That means no control freaks. You hired a professional because you know you’re not a designer and you have better things to do. You hire smart, capable people and you let them do their work. In fact, you understand the value of team so well, you credit your future success on it. And you get team enough to get me what I ask of you, because you know a website doesn’t build itself.
I value your input, but I won’t work with people who try to micro-manage me. I am part of your team and I want you to succeed.
You Make Time!
We are ALL busy these days, but if I am to commit to your project, I need your agreement that you will also commit to it. Good websites take time, planning and conversation and I expect you to prioritise our work together during the process of building your site.
We will ensure we set up clear lines of communication to make it as easy as possible, so all we need is for you to be there for us when we need you to be. If you agree with all this and are still keen, fill out our Project Planner Form by clicking the button below and let’s go!