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Photografica Blog

Dos and Don’ts of Stock Photos in Web Design

By |October 6, 2021|internet, Photography, web design|

Most website developers and marketers are not designers. But they do know that having a website full of quality visuals is essential. However, the trick is not finding stock photography - they are all over the internet. But using them in a way that brings out the best in your [...]

Why and how to change your website from http to https

By |February 23, 2018|security, web sites, WordPress|

These days, everyone needs to have a secure website (one using the https protocol - The next major version of Google Chrome will start marking HTTP pages containing forms as “Not Secure.” Is your site ready for this? There are many reasons we need secure websites. If you [...]

What Web Platforms Will Grow Most In The Years Ahead?

By |January 19, 2018|computers, internet, software discussion|

What Web Platforms Will Grow Most In The Years Ahead? Starting a successful website from scratch is almost always harder than it seems. While there are now a lot of platforms designed to help with the actual design process (even if you can’t code at all), nailing down a concept [...]

Resizing images for the web – Website image size guidelines 2021

By |December 13, 2015|digital imaging, Photography, photography teaching, software discussion, web design|

Website image size guidelines 2021 - Updated: 04 Feb, 2021 The topic of resizing images for the web is a relatively simple, yet ridiculously complex one, at the same time. And it's also one where there is an awful lot of misinformation floating around, even from professionals. But a [...]

How to choose hosting and why I chose Siteground

By |March 9, 2015|computers, web design, web sites|

Hosting is the one thing that can make or break your website. Hosting is the link between your content and your readers, and it needs to be solid as a rock. Before I explain my own hosting choices, let's look at some of the most important attributes and features of [...]

How do I get a website?

By |February 27, 2015|computers, internet, software discussion, web design|

Photografica - Web design Sunshine Coast The Internet is a great tool for communication, freedom of speech and democracy (as well as commerce and entertainment of course). On the Internet, everyone is equal (at least in theory) and everyone can have a voice! Getting heard is another issue, but for [...]


By |July 4, 2014|asides, personal|

I have a beautiful daughter named Scout. And today she turns 12! I love her to the moon and back! She is just amazing! She's so full of  fun, you can see it in her eyes. She is a girl of many faces, but always full of the joy of life. [...]

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